Building Gross Motor Skills Using Blocks

Written by: Ashley Bateman, PT, DPT – Physical Therapist Blocks and stacking toys are a fun and easy way to promote movement and the development of gross motor skills for kids from infants to preschoolers. They come in a variety of sizes, are made in a variety of materials, and they are probably something you […]
Little League Lacing

Written By: Ashley Grossenbacher, MOT, OTR/L My son loves sports and is missing playing team sports right now. I came up with this fun activity to combine his love of crafting and his love of sports…it was a hit! All you need is paper (the thicker the better, but any will work), scissors, a hole […]
Who is that Man?…. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, It’s MAT MAN!

Written By: Kellie Costello, MOT, OTR/L Mat Man is a concept designed by the Learning Without Tears® (LWT – formerly Handwriting Without Tears) program as a fun way to work on body awareness while preparing children for other important pre-writing skills. Mat Man has a head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, body, arms, hands, legs and […]
Paper Plate Play

Written By: Ashley Grossenbacher, MOT, OTR/L All you need to get started are some scissors, crayons, or markers, white or construction paper, and a paper plate! You can add to the fun with popsicle sticks, tape or glue, pipe cleaners, extra beads or buttons, or any other craft or scrap material you have around the […]